Blog Comments

Kinetica Online is pleased to provide direct links to commentaries from our senior editor Dr. Steven Pelech has posted on other blogs sites. Most of these comments appear on the GenomeWeb Daily Scan website, which in turn highlight interesting blogs that have been posted at numerous sites in the blogosphere since the beginning of 2010. A wide variety of topical subjects are covered ranging from the latest scientific breakthroughs, research trends, politics and career advice. The original blogs and Dr. Pelech’s comments are summarized here under the title of the original blog. Should viewers wish to add to these discussions, they should add their comments at the original blog sites.

The views expressed by Dr. Pelech do not necessarily reflect those of the other management and staff at Kinexus Bioinformatics Corporation. However, we wish to encourage healthy debate that might spur improvements in how biomedical research is supported and conducted.

The Sound of Genetics

The Wellcome Trust has funded a project to investigate the genetic determinants of musical ability, which has included the composition by Michael Zev and presentation by the New London Chamber Choir (NLCC) of a new choral work called 'Allele,' which is based on DNA sequence data from the 41 members of the NLCC. S. Pelech thinks that using DNA sequences is about as meaningful for composing a symphony or choral work as using stock market quotations, sport statistics or actuary data as inspirational sources, and wonders whether this is an appropriate choice for Wellcome Trust funding. Read More...

HIV Makes Music

University of Georgia graduate student Alexandra Pajak has composed original music based on the DNA of HIV, which has been recorded with the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra. S. Pelech mentions that Kinexus Bioinformatics Corporation has converted the amino acid sequences of several signal transduction proteins into musical notes based on their hydrophobicity to produce a unique melody for each of these proteins that can be freely downloaded at Read More...